< Service Info >
Assessment of the compliance of the systems operating at the enterprise with the specifics and needs of the business
Organization of an effective IT management structure
Building an optimal architecture of corporate information systems, computing and telecommunications infrastructure
Assessment of the volume and effectiveness of investments in IT for the needs of the organization
Selection of IT solutions that are most adequate to the tasks of the enterprise

Information Technology Audit

Depending on the goals facing the customer in relation to the use of information technologies, available systems and technical means, Aegis Solutions specialists will conduct a detailed audit in the area of interest. The results of the audit will allow the customer to assess the degree of IT compliance with the business needs, the effectiveness and feasibility of investments in IT, the adequacy of IT resources, etc.

IT Strategy Development

Development of recommendations on the directions of development of the existing IT system of the customer at a given planning horizon, taking into account current and future business tasks, as well as trends in the development of information technology. The development of an IT strategy is based on the results of a thorough audit and analysis of the used information systems, infrastructure, approaches to IT management.

Corporate Information Systems

Assessment of the current level of investments in IT and ensuring their manageability based on the methodology for assessing the total cost of ownership including an audit of the current level of IT, analysis of the adequacy of the structure and volume of investments to business requirements, assessment of the effectiveness of the organization of the IT service and management technologies IT, as well as the processes of servicing..
< Consultancy Service >
Developing Business
Continuity Strategies
  • What are the guidelines and business continuity requirements? How to properly organize the work within this activity?
  • How to properly create and implement a cost-effective corporate business continuity management program?
  • What type of BCM solutions or services best suits the needs of the company?
  • What tools are there to automate planning and business continuity management?
  • How to control business continuity management?
  • How to estimate the costs of maintaining and maintaining a corporate business continuity management program?
Developing Business Continuity Strategies

In IT Field, the likelihood of man-made and natural disasters is quite high, the range of threats to business security is constantly growing and emergencies often arise. Therefore, IT companies face new questions:

What are the guidelines and business continuity requirements? How to properly organize the work within this activity?
How to properly create and implement a cost-effective corporate business continuity management program?
What type of BCM solutions or services best suits the needs of the company?
What tools are there to automate planning and business continuity management?
What tools are there to automate planning and business continuity management?
How to control business continuity management?
How to estimate the costs of maintaining and maintaining a corporate business continuity management program?
Improvement of various aspects of the IT Management System

A clear understanding of the current state and potential needs of the IT management system allows us to successfully offer customers effective solutions in such areas as:

IT Service Management
Management of software and IT assets
Organizational transformation in IT management
IT business continuity management
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Answer The Question

The answers to these questions allow you to create and implement a truly effective and cost-effective corporate business continuity management program. At the same time, make the program transparent and understandable both for management and ordinary employees, as well as for business partners and clients of the company.